Summer-time fun, in the sun of course!
At Stone Path Montessori, we love to provide the children with fun adventures and activities to do with their friends and family. A few examples of the way we have created memories are; birthday celebrations, learning to bake, and popsicle making! Please enjoy the pictures of our lovely friends having a great time here at Stone Path.

“Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!”

Celebrating Ms. Kate’s birthday was such a joy!

There are two great days in a person’s life, the day we are born and the day we discover why.

Mentoring in the bakery helped the children become more aware of their amazing potential.

Childhood means simplicity. Look at the world through a child’s eye and everything is beautiful.

All the world is a laboratory to the inquiring mind -Martin H. Fischer

Even though you are growing up, you should never stop having fun

I’m doing exactly what I want to do, and I’m having fun doing it!

Little hands learning to bake.

Writing in a journal reminds us of our goals and our learning in life.

There’s something about childhood friends that you just can’t replace.