My Story

Ms. Kate
After the birth of my second child and our family’s move to Alaska, I became interested in helping young pre-school children achieve a better education. During my tenure teaching elementary school for different public school districts, our two children attended full day Montessori schools in California and Alaska. I marveled at the exceptional progress they made as individuals. Math, reading, writing, art, music and hand-on exploration of the environment were also areas of noticeable growth. They truly enjoyed learning. It was then that I became excited, energized and committed in realizing the following three goals: educate children through the Montessori Method, provide a high quality educational experience to young children, and implementation of a program allowing children to develop their intellect in a real way. An idea was born and a plan set in motion.
In 2010, my dream became a reality and I formed Stone Path Montessori (Lekskola International, LLC) after many months of preparations and late night planning sessions. Our school is based and modeled after the pioneering work of Dr. Maria Montessori. Her work demonstrates the strength, independence, creativity, and joy present in all children that I intend to bring out in each child who steps into the school. Stone Path Montessori will be dedicated to helping each child develop within himself/herself a confidence in these capacities.